Tabula patronatus of Caius Marius Pudens Cornelianus (Aventino)


Tabula patronatus of Caius Marius Pudens Cornelianus
Tabula patronatus of Caius Marius Pudens Cornelianus
Hall of the Profane Museum

This bronze tabula patronatus, dated 15 April 222 A.D., commemorates the co-optation as patron of Clunia Sulpicia, colony of Hispania Tarraconensis, of Caius Marius Pudens Cornelianus, a personage of senatorial rank, who was legatus of the fourth Gemina legion, stationed in the province. It would have been displayed in the reception area of the domus of Cornelianus, situated in Rome on the Aventine Hill, in the area of Vigna Massimi opposite St. Prisca, where the engraved bronze panel was found in 1776, during the papacy of Pius VI.