Tabulae patronatus from Sentinum (Sassoferrato)


Tabulae patronatus from Sentinum (Sassoferrato)
Tabulae patronatus from Sentinum (Sassoferrato)
Tabulae patronatus from Sentinum (Sassoferrato)
Tabulae patronatus from Sentinum (Sassoferrato)
Hall of the Profane Museum

The two tabulae patronatus discovered at Sentinum (present-day Sassoferrato) should have been displayed in the domus of the local gens Coretia to attest to the honour of the conferral of the title of patrons to some members of the family by important collegiate associations in the area. The first, dated 2 December 260 A.D., appoints Coretius Victorinus, meritorious for his amor, his munificentia and his adfectio, as patron of the collegium centonariorum of Sentinum of Ostra; the second, dated 18 August 261 A.D., documents the appointment as patrons of the collegium centonariorum of Sentinum of Coretius Fuscus, his wife Vesia Martina and his son Coretius Sabinus, meritorious for their amor, their adfectio and their munificentia. Both were acquired by Cardinal Alessandro Albani in 1728 and subsequently passed into the collection of Francesco Vettori.