Con Maria nei Giardini Vaticani
Con Maria nei Giardini Vaticani

Con Maria nei Giardini Vaticani

Un percorso culturale e spirituale

Philippe Courbelié, Francisco J. Froján Madero and Waldemar Turek
Edizioni Musei Vaticani
November 2022

With Mary in the Vatican Gardens
A cultural and spiritual path 

An accurate and unconventional guide, which leads the reader to discover the various representations of the Virgin Mary scattered in the exclusive setting of the Vatican Gardens.

Twenty-eight works from all over the world are extensively described in a first section, both with regard to historical-artistic aspects and to the history of the cult originating the effigies themselves.
This is followed by a section devoted to spiritual reflections, concluding with prayers inspired by the words of Pontiffs who have dedicated intense writings to Mary: Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis.
And since nature is the mirror of God, the volume is interspersed with several botanical insights that allow the reader to appreciate Beauty and thus reveal other wonders of the Gardens, a place once reserved for the Popes’ brief moments of rest, now also open to the tours, a delight for pilgrims and tourists.