The engraved Portuense glass in the Vatican Collections
The engraved Portuense glass in the Vatican Collections

The engraved Portuense glass in the Vatican Collections

The production of figure-engraved glassware in late Antiquity

Thursday 26 October 2017 | 04.30 p.m.
Conference Hall, Vatican Museums

The Thursdays in the Museums on 26 October will involve the participation of two speakers: Lucia Saguì, of La Sapienza University, Rome, with an intervention on “The engraved Portuense glass in the Vatican Collections and the production of figure-engraved glassware in late Antiquity”, and Claudia Lega, of the Vatican Museums Department of Decorative Arts, who will present the nineteenth-century excavations in the Torlonia estate in Porto and the 45 artefacts donated by Prince Torlonia to Pius XI in 1868 for the Christian Museum.