Amenta A., “Vatican Coffin Project. Studio della tecnica esecutiva dei sarcofagi lignei policromi”. Paper presented at the Conference Frammenti d’Egitto (Padua, 15-16 November 2010).

Amenta A., Santamaria U., Morresi F., Prestipino G., “Vatican Coffin Project. Analisi per immagini nel campo spettrale dell’ultravioletto e dell’infrarosso”. Poster presented at the  Congresso Nazionale IGIIC - Lo Stato dell’Arte 8 (Venice, 16-18 September 2010).

Amenta A., “Vatican Coffin Project “. Paper presented at the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) - 63rd Annual Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island (27-29 April 2012).

Amenta A., “The Vatican Coffin Project”. Paper presented at the Conference Thebes in the First Millennium BC (Luxor, 1-4 October 2012).

Amenta A., “The Vatican Coffin Project: An Introduction”, Paper presented at the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Asensi Amorós V., “The wood of the Third Intermediate Period: The evidence of analysis for the Vatican Coffin Project”. Paper presented at the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Guichard H., Pagès-Camagna S., Timbart N., “The coffin of Tanetchedmut of the Musée du Louvre: First study and restoration for the Vatican Coffin Project”.  Paper presented at the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Pagès-Camagna S., Guichard H., “Coloured materials of Theban coffins produced around the ‘yellow coffins’ series”. Poster presented at the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Prestipino G., “The Vatican Coffin Project: Observations on the constructive techniques of the Third Intermediate Period coffins from the Vatican Museums”.  Paper presented at the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Santamaria U., Morresi F., “The Vatican Coffin Project: Diagnostic research for comparative study of the Egyptian coffins”.  Paper presented at the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Amenta A., “New Results from the CT-Scanning of a Coffin”. Paper presented at the Annual Egyptology Colloquium “Ancient Egyptian Coffins: craft, traditions and functionality” (British Museum, 28-29 July 2014).

Prestipino G., Santamaria U., Morresi F., Amenta A., Greco C., “Sperimentazione di adesivi e consolidanti per il restauro di manufatti lignei policromi egizi”. Paper presented at the Congresso Nazionale IGIIC - Lo Stato dell'Arte 13 (Centro di Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria, Turin, 22-24 October 2015).

Amenta A., “The restoration of the outer coffin of Butehamon: New points of reflection from the scientific investigations”. Paper presented at the Conference Ancient Egyptian Coffins. Past, Present, Future (Cambridge, 7-9 April 2016).

Buscaglia P. et Al., “Nesimenjem and the Valley of the Queens’ coffins”. Paper presented at the Conference Ancient Egyptian Coffins. Past, Present, Future (Cambridge, 7-9 April 2016).

Cavaleri T. et Al., “Multi and hyperspectral imaging and 3D techniques for discovering Egyptian coffins”. Paper presented at the Conference Ancient Egyptian Coffins. Past, Present, Future (Cambridge, 7-9 April 2016).