
Amenta A., “The Vatican Coffin Project”, in Pischikova E., Budka J., Griffin K. (eds.), Thebes in the First Millennium BC, Cambridge 2014, 483-499.Amenta A. (in stampa), The Vatican Coffin Project. An Introduction”, in Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Prestipino G. (in stampa), “The Vatican Coffin Project. Observations on the constructive techniques of the Third Intermediate Period coffins from the Vatican Museums”, in Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).


Prestipino G., Santamaria U., Morresi F., Amenta A., Greco C., “Sperimentazione di adesivi e consolidanti per il restauro di manufatti lignei policromi egizi”, in Atti XIII Congresso Nazionale IGIIC - Lo Stato dell'Arte 13 (Centro di Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria, Torino, 22-24 ottobre 2015), Firenze 2015, 261-270.

Guichard H., Pagès-Camagna S., Timbart N. (in stampa), “The coffin of Tanetchedmut of the Musée du Louvre: First study and restoration for the Vatican Coffin Project”, in Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Indagini scientifiche

Amenta A., Santamaria U., Morresi F., Prestipino G., “Vatican Coffin Project. Analisi per immagini nel campo spettrale dell’ultravioletto e dell’infrarosso”, in Atti Congresso Nazionale IGIIC - Lo Stato dell’Arte 8 (Venezia, 16-18 settembre 2010), Torino 2010, pp. 359-365.

Amenta A. (in stampa), “New results from the CT-scanning of a coffin”, in Proceedings of the Annual Egyptology Colloquium “Ancient Egyptian Coffins: craft, traditions and functionality” (British Museum, 28-29 July 2014).

Asensi Amorós V. (in stampa), “The wood of the Third Intermediate Period: The evidence of analysis for the Vatican Coffin Project”, in Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Pagès-Camagna S., Guichard H. (in stampa), “Coloured materials of Theban coffins produced around the ‘yellow coffins’ series”, in Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

Santamaria U., Morresi F. (in stampa), “The Vatican Coffin Project: Diagnostic research for comparative study of the Egyptian coffins”, in Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013).

In stampa

Amenta A., Guichard H. (eds.), Proceedings of the First Vatican Coffin Conference (Vatican Museums, 19-22 June 2013), Edizioni Musei Vaticani, Città del Vaticano.

In preparazione

Weiss L., Amenta A., Greco C. (eds.), The Leiden Coffins from Bab el-Gasus, Palma Egyptology, Sidestone Press, Leida.