Reduced ticket Papal Palace and Secret Garden of Castel Gandolfo
Reduced ticket Papal Palace and Secret Garden of Castel Gandolfo

Reduced ticket Papal Palace and Secret Garden of Castel Gandolfo

Reduced ticket € 5.00:

  • Children between the ages of 7 and 18 years.

  • Individual priests, men and women religious, seminarians and novices (upon presentation of relevant document).

  • Individual students up to and including 25 years of age in possession of a document issued by the educational institute or university confirming enrolment for the current year.

  • Groups of university students (of any geographical origin) up to and including 25 years of age – and led by a maximum of 3 teachers/accompanying people –, upon presentation, on the day of the visit, of a letter of request from the Institute concerned indicating the number of students in the group, the teachers and other participants in the tour. The request, to be presented on headed paper, must bear the official stamp of the Institute and the original signature of the head of the faculty or the rector of the university.
    The reduced ticket is granted to all the members of the group (max 30 pax, teachers and any other accompanying visitors included).
    Free entry: not applicable.
    The reduced ticket previously booked or purchased cannot be refunded.
    Upon booking it is necessary to indicate the precise number of members in the group (students, teachers and any other accompanying visitors). Tickets may be booked subject to availability.
    Visitors that purchase a ticket at a reduced rate, without entitlement, must purchase a new ticket at the full rate. The reduced price ticket will be cancelled.

  • Groups (of any geographical origin) on a pilgrimage to the Eternal City, upon presentation, on the day of the visit, of a letter of request from the Parish, religious Institute or Diocese of origin. The request, to be presented on headed paper, must bear the official stamp of the Institute and the original signature of the parish priest or superior.
    The reduced ticket is granted to all the members of the group (max 30 pax, priest included).
    N.B. The reduced ticket for Pilgrimages is granted only to groups on pilgrimages accompanied, depending on the case, by a priest, a deacon, or a religious member.
    Free entry: not applicable.
    The reduced ticket previously booked or purchased cannot be refunded.
    Upon booking online it is necessary to indicate the precise number of participants (pilgrims, priests and any accompanying visitors). 
    Visitors that purchase a ticket at a reduced rate, without entitlement, must purchase a new ticket at the full rate. The reduced price ticket will be cancelled.


Reduced ticket € 4.00:


  • Groups (of any geographical origin) of pupils from primary and secondary schools of first and second level – and led by a maximum of 5 accompanying people (teachers included) –, upon presentation, on the day of the visit, of a document from the school institute indicating the number of students, teachers and other participants in the visit. The declaration, to be presented on headed paper, must bear the official stamp of the institute and the original signature of the Head.
    The reduced ticket is granted to all the members of the group (max 30 pax, accompanying visitors included).
    For each group of 10 pupils, a free entry ticket is offered to the teacher. Other accompanying visitors are required to purchase a ticket at full price.
    The reduced ticket previously booked or purchased cannot be refunded.
    Upon booking it is necessary to indicate the precise number of members in the group (pupils, teachers and any other accompanying visitors).
    Children up to and including 6 years of age enter free.
    Visitors that purchase a ticket at a reduced rate, without entitlement, must purchase a new ticket at the full rate. The reduced price ticket will be cancelled.
    This type of reduction is not applicable to university Institutes, for whom the Reduced ticket University Institutes is reserved instead.

  • Groups from seminaries and religious colleges, of any geographical origin, with booking or direct purchase from the Ticket Office, without intermediation by agencies or similar, upon presentation, on the day of the visit, of a document from the institute indicating the total number of participants (teachers included). The declaration, to be presented on headed paper, must bear the official stamp of the institute and the original signature of the Rector.