Base of a statue with dedication to a priest
Base of a statue with dedication to a priest
The text (the statue is lost), which expresses the gratitude of the Senate and the citizens of Tivoli to the Roman senator Caius Popilius Carus Pedo, praised as an excellent administrator and patron of the city in Latium, lists the various stages of his career (cursus) in Rome and in the Empire: magistrate of the lower court, officer of the Third Cyrenean Legion decorated by the emperor Hadrian in the Jewish War (years 132-135), administrator of finance, representative of the plebs of Rome, praetor judge, superintendent of the Aurelia Antica, Cornelia Nuova and Trionfale consular roads (year 147), priest in charge of sacred banquets, governor of the State bank in the temple of Saturn, superintendent of public works, imperial delegate in the province of southern Germany and army commander convoked therein (years 151-155), and priest of the cult of the deified Hadrian (around year 159/160).