Pope’s Museums
- Gregorian Egyptian Museum
- Gregorian Etruscan Museum
- Pio Clementino Museum
- Chiaramonti Museum
- Lapidary Gallery
- New Wing
- Gregoriano Profano Museum
- Lapidario Profano ex Lateranense
- Pius-Christian Museum
- Christian Lapidarium
- Jewish Lapidarium
- Pinacoteca
- Ethnological Museum Anima Mundi
- Carriage Pavilion
- Christian Museum
- Profane Museum
- Room of the Aldobrandini Wedding
- Chapel of St. Peter Martyr
- Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art
- Sistine Chapel
- Raphael's Rooms
- Borgia Apartment
- Niccoline Chapel
- Chapel of Urban VIII
- Room of the Immaculate Conception
- Room of the Chiaroscuri
Archaeological Areas
- Department of Byzantine-Medieval Art
- Department of XV-XVI Century Art
- Department of XVII-XVIII Century Art
- Department of XIX Century and Contemporary Art
- Department of Decorative Arts
- Department of Tapestries and Textiles
- Department of Egyptian and Near Eastern Antiquities
- Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities
- Department of Epigraphic Collections
- Department of Etrusco-Italic Antiquities
- Department of Christian Antiquities
- Department for the Ethnological Collections Anima Mundi
- Department of Historical Collections
Restorations & Scientific Services
- Conservator’s Office
- Cabinet of Scientific Research applied to Cultural Heritage
- Tapestries and Textiles Restoration Laboratory
- Painting and Wood Materials Restoration Laboratory
- Ethnological Materials Restoration Laboratory
- Stone Materials Restoration Laboratory
- Metals and Ceramics Restoration Laboratory
- Mosaic Restoration Laboratory
- Paper Restoration Laboratory
- Photographic Laboratory
- Gregorian Egyptian Museum
- Gregorian Etruscan Museum
- Pio Clementino Museum
- Chiaramonti Museum
- Lapidary Gallery
- New Wing
- Gregoriano Profano Museum
- Pius-Christian Museum
- Pinacoteca
- Pinacoteca Courtyard
- Ethnological Museum
- Carriage Pavilion
- Christian Museum
- Profane Museum
- Room of the Aldobrandini Wedding
- Chapel of St. Peter Martyr
- Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art