Slab with a list of former Praetorian Guards


Slab with a list of former Praetorian Guards
Slab with a list of former Praetorian Guards
Section V. Structure and organisation of the army

The list (latèrculus), mutilated and partially integrated with two fragments (not in the Museums), provides the first name, family name, surname, and city of origin of the soldiers from the emperor’s guard, laid off after 16 years of service. They are divided by cohort (II-VI), centuriae (with the name of the commanding centurion), year of enrollment (143 and 144 A.D., indicated by the pair of consuls). Some names are preceded by initials indicating their role, eg.: watch commander responsible for the watchword (tesserarius), “chosen” deputy (optio), standard-bearer (sìgnifer), explorer (speculator), bugler (tùbicen), veteran recalled to duty (evocatus), or surveyor (mensor). The geography of Roman Italy is interesting, with cities that remain today (some with changed names: Vardacate = Casale Monferrato) or that no longer exist (Falerii, Alba Fucens, Sentinum). There are several soldiers originating from locations outside Italy: Savaria (Hungary), Philippi (Greece).