Palden Lhamo, terrifying female divinity
Palden Lhamo, terrifying female divinity
The culture of Mongol nomads finds expression in a bronze statue from the nineteenth century, representing the female terrifyin divinity Palden Lhamo (in Sanskrit: Srimati Devi), also known as Shridevi, the “Great Lady”, seated side-saddle on a mule. The deity is depicted according to her traditional iconography, with an enraged expression, large bulging eyes, a third eye, flaming red hair, a crown of skulls (from which three peacock feathers emerge), a coiled snake and a solar star at the navel. According to tradition she rides the mule to cross the ocean of blood, symbol of human passions and their destructive power. Palden Lhamo is very popular in Tibetan Buddhism, as the protector of the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama and the sacred city of Lhasa.