Mirror with Eos and Kephalos
Mirror with Eos and Kephalos
Eos (Aurora), winged and with a nimbus, is depicted running or in flight with Kephalos in her arms after having kidnapped him. This is probably the first version of the myth according to which Eos falls in love with the young hunter hero, son of Hermes and Herse, who then becomes her husband. In Etruria the Greek goddess Aurora corresponds substantially to the astral deity Thesan, who precedes or accompanies the rising Sun (Usil). Many epigraphic and iconographic documents from archaic times attest to the cult of this goddess, although early indications were already present in the seventh century B.C.
Bronze workers from Vulci in the late archaic period were able to cast flawless mirrors with complex decorations, already using wax models rather than cold engraving. The very low relief is enriched with engraved calligraphic details; there were leaves inlaid with silver on the frame.