Attic black-figure Amphora by “The Affecter”
Attic black-figure Amphora by “The Affecter”
A warrior is depicted wearing a jambeau; on the ground lies his shield, on which his anatomical breastplate and helmet are placed. The scene is witnessed by four elders, dressed in the chiton and himation, while a youth turns towards the warrior. On the neck of the vessel, a man follows a youth with a cape and lance, under the gaze of two elders. On each handle there is a Pegasus and a bird in flight.
The Attic black-figure painter, known as “The Affecter” on account of his mannered style and the affected attitude of his figures, produced many similar representations of armaments. Among his preferred themes there also figure scenes of the chase and of winged horses, summarised in this ovoid amphora with a distinct neck, one of his favourite forms of vessel.
In the solemn image of the Athenian citizen wearing armour, brought to Etruria in Attic ceramography, it is also possible to identify the Tyrrhenian oligarchy which by then adopted Hoplitic armaments and tactics.