Mosaic from the Bath of Caracalla
Mosaic from the Bath of Caracalla
These heavily restored mosaics formed the floors of the public libraries in the exedrae on the east and west sides of the baths of Caracalla. They are divided into square panels with busts and rectangular panels with full length figures who represent athletes, with their hair very often gathered into a cirrus, the characteristic knot at the nape of the neck which betokened a professional athlete. The arms of the wrestlers are protected by cesti made of leather or cloth with metal fittings. The vigorous musculature of their bodies and the powerful lines of their features are created by a rich combination of coloured tesserae. The judges of the competitions can also be seen, wearing togas. Although the baths complex was built at the beginning of the 3rd century A.D., these mosaics probably date from restoration work undertaken at the beginning of the 4th century A.D.