Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style


Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style
Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style
Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style
Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style
Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style
Giuseppe Girometti: Cameos in antique style
Clementine Gallery I

Works such as the ten cameos produced by Giuseppe Girometti around 1838 (Nos. 6-15), derived from carvings by Hellenistic masters such as Aspasios, Solon, Gnaios, Sosocle, Ruphus and Athenion, or from large scale original sculptures, such as the colossal bust of Helios-Serapis, found on the Via Appia in the Frattocchie area in 1777 (Vatican Museums, Sala Rotonda, cat. 245) or the marble Antinous as Dionysus, discovered at Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli in 1790 (Vatican Museums, Sala Rotonda no. 251), take a central place among neoclassical glyptic masterpieces.