Battle of the Pons Milvius


Battle of the Pons Milvius
Battle of the Pons Milvius
Hall of Constantine

The Battle of the Pons Milvius pitted Constantine against his rival Maxentius, marking the latter's defeat (shown on the right as he is about to drown in the Tiber) and the victory of Christianity over the pagan world. The scene is set with topographical precision to the north of Rome, with the inclusion of Monte Mario and the construction site of Villa Madama (built by Raphael in those same years) on the left, and the reliefs of Saxa Rubra in the background. The initial design of this composition, like that of the Vision that precedes it, is certainly the work of Raphael, but the painting was materially executed by his pupil Giulio Romano, who completed it after the former’s death.