Bernini’s cloud
Novelties and insights in the restoration of the Cornaro Chapel
Conference Hall, Vatican Museums
On 26 November 2015, after major restoration work, the Cornaro Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria in Rome was officially presented to the Fathers of the Order of Descalced Carmelites. The Chapel, the site of many pilgrimages, houses Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s famous sculpture, The Ecstasy of St. Theresa.
On Thursday 7 July, at 04.00 p.m., as part of the Thursdays in the Museums programme, this important conservation intervention will again be the subject of analysis, study and exchange during a meeting organised by the Pope’s Museums: “Bernini’s cloud: novelties and insights in the restoration of the Cornaro Chapel”.
Professor Antonio Paolucci will introduce presentations by four speakers: Lia Di Giacomo, director of the restoration works, Sante Guido and Giuseppe Mantella, restorers, and Alessandra Rodolfo, curator of the Tapestries and Textiles Department of the Vatican Museums.