On Earth as it is in Heaven
Seoul and 230 years of the Catholic Church in Korea
Braccio di Carlo Magno
Inauguration on Saturday 9 September of the first Korean exhibition in the Vatican: On Earth as it is in Heaven. Seoul and 230 years of the Catholic Church in Korea.
On display in the renovated and majestic spaces of the Braccio di Carlo Magno in St. Peter’s Square, the exhibition is open to the public – with free entry – until 17 November 2017.
The exhibition was organised by the Catholic Church in Korea with the collaboration of the Korean Martyrs Exaltation Committee of the Archdiocese of Seoul and is curated by the Archdiocese of Seoul and the Seoul Museum of History, with the patronage of the Metropolitan Government of Seoul, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Holy See and the Vatican Museums.
There are 183 precious works on display – all from important Korean and Vatican cultural institutions (six of these belong to the rich collection of the Ethnological Museum of the Vatican Museums) – which show how over the centuries awareness of the Gospel, still very lively, spread throughout the Korean peninsula. Indeed, the exhibition itinerary presents not only the history of the beginnings of Catholic faith in Korea, with the first missions and the first persecutions around two hundred years ago, but also modern history with the participation of the Church in social movements, offering a global panorama that embraces more than two centuries of life and the dissemination of the Good News in the country.