Plečnik and the Sacred
Jože Plečnik, Slovenian architect and designer
Vatican Museums
Jože Plečnik (1872-1957), is the first Slovenian artist whose work is to be displayed in the Pope’s Museums from 28 June to 7 September in an exhibition entitled “Plečnik and the Sacred. Jože Plečnik, Slovenian architect and designer”.
For the special occasion, 33 liturgical objects will be presented, produced by the artist in an original and innovative style through the use of modern, clean and geometric forms decorated with simple graphic ornamentation and precious stones. The exhibition will consist of a careful selection of chalices, monstrances, ciboriums, sacramental enclosures and a video tracing the religious architecture of the master of Ljubljana together with his principal monumental works.
The exhibition was realized by the Museum and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana (where the exhibition will be transferred 26 September) in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia to the Holy See, with the support of the Vatican Museums, the Ministry for Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Archdiocese of Ljubljana.