Tuesday 5 April Via Crucis in the Vatican
Delayed opening
5 April 2022
Tuesday 5 April Via Crucis in the Vatican
On the occasion of the Time of Lent, on Tuesday 5 April, two years on from the outbreak of the health emergency, the custom for employees of Vatican City State to walk the Via Crucis though the avenues of the Vatican Gardens, in a community spirit, will be resumed.
For the occasion, the opening of the Pope’s Museums will be postponed until 11.00 a.m. (for visitors with a reservation), and 13.00 p.m. (for those without reservation), in order to enable all the staff to participate in the traditional moment of prayer which will be led this year for the first time by the President of the Governorate of Vatican City State, His Excellency Bishop Fernando Vérgez Alzaga.