Women’s Day at the Vatican Museums: the "creative vision" of the female genius
Once again this year the Vatican Museums will participate in the celebration of International Women’s Day, by dedicating an ad hoc initiative to the occasion on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 March.
For the occasion, the public as a whole, female and otherwise, will be able to enjoy an original themed guided tour experience that aims to highlight within the vast museum collection that “creative look” and that “tender heart” that Pope Francis, on several occasions, has reminded us is an all-female prerogative.
The participants will be guided through the Vatican Pinacoteca and the Sistine Chapel to admire the pictorial representations of numerous women – from Mary Magdalene to Catherine of Siena, from Saint Scholastica to Mary Most Holy – who by their uniqueness have left an indelible mark on history, society and art.
This type of visit is open to everyone, including families with children (recommended age 6+).
The guided tours, available in Italian and English, are fully accessible to people with sensory, motor and intellectual disabilities (please reserve at accessibilita.musei@scv.va).