Attic Kylix in the style of Douris: Heracles


Attic Kylix in the style of Douris: Heracles
Attic Kylix in the style of Douris: Heracles
Attic Kylix in the style of Douris: Heracles
Attic Kylix in the style of Douris: Heracles
Room XIX. Lower Hemicycle. Collection of vases, Attic ceramics

Heracles, with a leonté, bow and claw, navigates while standing inside an enormous deinos. The vessel is surrounded by choppy waters where fish and octopus swim. The kilix bears a picturesque representation of Heracles’ voyage across the ocean on board the golden goblet given to him by Helios, after the hero had shot an arrow at him, destined for the island of Erytheia, located according to ancient tradition at the mouth of the river Guadalquivir near Cadiz. Upon arrival he will face the three-bodied monster Geryon, the herdsman Eurytion and the dog Othros, to capture the herd of cattle to lead to Tirinto (the tenth of the Labours imposed up him by Eurystheus). Enveloped in the aura of the myth, this image evokes the adventurous and uncertain voyages to the far west undertaken by the Hellenic people, to the limits of the lands known to the ancient world.
On the exterior, repeated on both sides with few variations, there is the duel between Achilles and Hector in the presence of Apollo and Athena [cf. Hydria of the Eucharides Painter].
The kylix is close to the manner of Douris.