Nativity – Epiphany

The itinerary through the Museum alternates sections organised according to typological criteria with others where the order of display is dictated by themes and iconographic affinities.
This sector includes mainly fragments of sarcophaguses decorated with biblical scenes: a first group presents the scenes of the Nativity and the Epiphany; a second group focuses on the episodes narrated in the book of the prophet Daniel. They are brought together by the recurrent presence of a trio of characters dressed in oriental clothing: on one side, the Magi bearing gifts for Christ, according to the Gospel of Matthew, and on the other, the three Jews miraculously saved from the flames, according to Daniel’s account.
Next to these, there are some minor fragments and elements of early Medieval liturgical enclosures, as well as a rare example of a sarcophagus belonging to the so-called “Bethesda” type, dating from the late fourth century.