Discovering Ancient Egypt
Vatican Museums
Thursday 12 April 2018 | 04.00 p.m.
Conference Hall, Vatican Museums
Conference Hall, Vatican Museums
Discovering Ancient Egypt
Egyptian civilization, conveyed in an innovative way to young readers in a volume published by Edizioni Musei Vaticani, will be the focus of the meeting to be held on 12 April as part of the Thursdays in the Museums conference series.
The Director of the Vatican Museums, Barbara Jatta, will introduce the new children’s guide-catalogue of the Gregorian Egyptian Museum, while the presentation will be moderated by Alessia Amenta, editor of the book and Head of the Egyptian and Near Eastern Antiquities Department of the Pope's Museums.
Maria Serlupi Crescenzi, Fabio Mochi, Pietro Cordini, Panaiotis Kruklidis and Patrizia Di Cataldo will also attend the presentation of “Discovering Ancient Egypt”.