Restorations in the Vatican
Raphael and his legacy in the Hall of Constantine
Vatican Museums Conference Hall – live streaming
The second appointment of the year with Thursdays in the Museums - again via live streaming - is scheduled for 27 May at 04.00 p.m., focusing on restorations in the Vatican, and in particular on the work that since 2015 has involved the Hall of Constantine in the Vatican Palaces.
The Hall, the last to be added to the series of spaces belonging to the Apartment of Julius II and Leo X, frescoed by Raphael and his School from 1508 onwards, was the object, between 1519 and 1524, of an extensive decorative work, planned and probably begun by the Master before his death (6 April 1520) and completed by his pupils under Clement VII.
After greetings from Dr. Barbara Jatta, Director of the Vatican Museums, and the introduction from Francesca Persegati, Director of the Paintings and Wood Materials Restoration Laboratory, the results of the work will be illustrated by Dr. Guido Cornini, Curator of the Department of XV-XVI Century Art as well as art-historical director of the works; Maestro Fabio Piacentini, Chief restorer of the project; Professor Ulderico Santamaria, Director of the Cabinet of Scientific Research applied to Cultural Heritage; and Dr. Fabio Morresi, diagnostic assistant in the same Laboratory.
The planned contributions will focus on the restoration of the first two walls, dating back to the Leonine phase of the work, concentrating mainly on the oil paintings of Iustitia and Comitas, recently recognised as being the work of Raphael himself. The other two walls, dating back to the Clementine phase, will be the subject of a special talk to be held in September as part of the planned conference on Raphael in the Vatican.